

Limestone rocks contain more than 50% calcium carbonate mineral. Extensive karst forms in limestone areas as the minerals react chemically with dissolved carbon dioxide and organic acids. Although calcite is usually the most abundant mineral, other common minerals include aragonite, dolomite and magnesite (magnesium carbonate). Limestone is considered as a carbonate rock. In short Lime stone is a sedimentary rock composed mostly of the mineral calcite and comprising about 15% of the Earth's sedimentary crust.

Industrial Uses of LimeStone

Limestone is use in construction industry (dimension stone) and the important materials from which aggregate, cement, lime, and building stone are made. As a source for lime, it is used to make paper, plastics, glass, paint, steel, cement. Used in water treatment and purification plants, in the processing of various foods, household items and in medicines.

100% EOU Unit - Certification from IBM

Among the mineral producers, Vijaya mineral exports is the country's 100% Export Oriented Unit located in state of Karnataka, India. IBM - Indian Bureau of Mines says that this mining plant is known as 'Jewel of mines' located in India.